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Best Winter Workout Tips*

Winter Workout Tips

It’s all too tempting to hunker down in the winter and avoid that trip to the gym, but staying active during this cold and dark time of year will help you kick those wintertime blues. Being active can help improve your mental state as well as your body. 

Working out could also help boost your immune system to fight those wintertime illnesses. And by regularly exercising you can tuck into hearty winter meals while maintaining your weight. So here are a few top tips to keep you working out safely and enjoyably all through winter.

Try Something New

If you usually exercise outside and you’re finding it too cold, now is the perfect time to try out a new activity. Swimming, rock climbing and dance classes can all be enjoyed indoors. Or you could swap your usual outdoor run for a treadmill session, or your bike ride for an exercise bike workout. 

Remind yourself that it’s just for this season, and you never know – you might even find a new workout you like even more!

Warm Up

If you are exercising outside in the cold, it’s even more vital than ever to make sure your muscles are warmed up before you start. You’ll want to warm up for upto 10 minutes, and make sure you’re feeling suitably warm before you head outside. 

It’s a good idea to dress in layers, as they will help to keep the heat in. You might want to pop on a hat too, as most of the heat escapes our bodies through our heads.

Stay Safe

On the subject of working out outside, it’s also worth thinking about your safety. Chances are you’ll be exercising in the dark, so make sure you wear reflective clothing. Don’t listen to music, as you’ll be safer if you can hear what’s going on around you.

Stick to well-lit areas, and if you can, it’s a good idea to exercise with a friend. At the very least make sure somebody knows where you’re going.

Protect Your Skin

You’ll want to keep your skin protected too when you’re exercising outside in cold and windy weather. Slather on moisturiser so that the exposed parts of your face are covered. Also slick some lip balm like Vaseline onto your lips to guard against chapping.

You might have some questions about this, like “is Vaseline safe? petroleum jelly dangersconcern me,” but there’s no need to worry. There are no known common side effects. Now that the question is Vaseline safe has been answered you can apply it with peace of mind.

Winter Workout Tips

Listen to Your Body

It’s important at any time of year to listen to what your body’s telling you, but particularly so when it’s flu season. It’s natural to assume that you shouldn’t exercise if you have a cold, but you can actually keep going – as long as you feel OK in general and your symptoms aren’t severe.

A GP told the NHS website that you must not exercise if you have a fever, though. Not only can it make you feel worse, but it could also lead to a virus that affects the heart. If you’re under the weather apply common sense and take the advice of your doctor if you’re unsure.

These tips will help you keep your workouts going during winter, so you can head into spring and the better weather feeling great.

Winter Workout Tips

*This post was written in collaboration with Vaseline! 

With Love, 

Leanne xx  


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