IWD 2021 x QuickBooks

Being a female in a male-dominated industry can prove a difficult and lonely experience. Sometimes we just want to lean on other females for guidance or just a friendly face and to chat about things that we feel other females may understand. This International Women's Day, I partnered with QuickBooks, to celebrate the fact that I am so lucky to have been able to find amazing ladies online, such as Amy Morgan, Kimberley Williams, and all the ladies I have met through F:Entrepreneur who have formed part of my very own professional community. Having a group of female entrepreneurs to chat to through various online platforms brings about so much inspiration, from how we can keep resilient in a crisis to sharing networking contacts and even to ways to market a product.
I’m also celebrating those in my life that lift me up and support me in business always, such as Jo Murphy and my mother Mary Holder.
As women, we owe it to each other to lift each other up and to support each other, no matter whether we have a competing business idea or if we come from different backgrounds - we are all in this together and we can all succeed together.
In honour of International Women’s Day, I’d encourage you to find your inspiring community and let’s help each other in business! I would love for you to support female-founded businesses and go and share their businesses on your social media now!
Here's me with two amazing ladies that have supported me!

With Love,
Leanne xx