Hang=Over Is The Hangover Cure You Need

As I get older I most certainly drink less. My university days of hard partying until the early hours of the morning are most certainly gone and there are less and less social events to go to nowadays. Not to mention I do try and look after my body as much as possible! There is however one problem that occurs every time I do try and let my hair down these days; and that's the massive hangover that I get for about two days after a night out! I might be one of the oldest in the club but I certainly know how to party and the Hang=Over supplement is an absolute must have, especially heading into the festive season. Make sure you have it in your clutch bag or pocket for your office Christmas party!

So what is Hang=Over and how does it work?
Hang=Over is revolutionary product that aims to alleviate the effects of excessive drinking. It combines 8 unique ingredients including; Dandelion root powder, Elderberry extract, Niacin, Grape seed extract, Chicory extract, Amla extract, Vitamin C, Potassium and Beta Carotene. The supplement is designed to; strengthen the immune system, fight free radicals and the other oxidative stresses caused by alcohol and is also created to help the liver to process alcohol efficiently.
All you need to do is to take one tablet an hour before you plan to start drinking.
So does it work?
I tested this supplement when heading to the Ministry Of Sound when I went to see Malaa and Tchami perform and I took it before I got on the train. Although it wasn't a massive night out and I was more focussed on the music than on the drinking side of the evening I did have a few drinks and let me hair down for a change. I decided to stick to the same drinks that I would normally drink to enable this to be a fair test. The event was right through the night and I didn't actually get to sleep until about 10.00am the next morning! When I eventually woke up from a long recovery sleep I found that although I was extremely tired I didn't actually feel as awful as I expected to!
If you are like me and find you suffer with a bad head the next day then give this a go! I'll be giving it another try the next time I head out for a few G&T's and fingers crossed it works just as well!
With Love,
Leanne xx