Getting The Most Out Of 2020
2020 is fast approaching and with many people getting ready to change their hair, start a diet and approach it with a ‘New Year, New Me’ mindset, I thought I would put together some advice to approach the new year and make it the best one yet! Firstly, it’s worth noting that just because it’s a new year; I don’t actually agree with the ‘New Me’ approach to things. I strongly believe that change should come from bettering yourself; your outlook, your lifestyle and your health, and feel that you should look at being a rejuvenated and revamped you – no drastic changes!
So, how can you be the best you possible?
1. Be as healthy as possible!
Our health is SO important. Without good health, daily life becomes difficult and hindered. It is down to you to ensure that 2020 is your healthiest year possible and that you are on top form always! Here are a few tips for this;
- Take multi-vitamins every day! Vitamins and minerals are in the daily food that we routinely consume; but are you getting all of them and are you getting enough? To ensure that your immune system is up to scratch and that you are not deficient in them a multi-vitamin is a great option. If you are not great at remembering to take supplements then why not try Vitamin Coffee. If you always have a morning coffee, just one cup of Vitamin Coffee contains 100% of your daily vitamins!
- Get active! You don't need a gym for this; there is loads of ways for you to keep fit and healthy at home; including some fab tips in the article on home exercises!
- Be Happy! Being happy is one of the healthiest things to can do! Your body will thank you for it - believe me! Put on your favourite bodysuit like below and smile!
2. Take more breaks to reflect!
Taking breaks throughout the month to reflect and refocus is so important for your mental wellbeing. Often things get on top of us and from personal experience I find my month going off on a tangent and I don't seem to get towards my goal but rather I have diverged away from it. At the start of the month it could be wise to schedule a few days in the diary for reflection moments where you can analyse what you have done so far that month, look at your goals moving forwards and recalibrate! This hopefully will lead to a more effective working month and be better for your mental wellbeing! A good cup of coffee in a comfy jumper dress will sort you out in no time!
3. Do something that scares you!
I am a firm believer that sticking in your comfort zone will not breed success; nor will it make you a better and more well rounded individual. I am all about learning, challenging myself and scaring myself! A challenge can often mean that you step into that next level of whatever it is you are trying to achieve and usually leads to greatness! If on the odd occasion it actually hinders you - learn from it. The most successful people have taken risks whether it be in their personal life or their business lives and I challenge you to do the same in 2020. Every single month do something scary and out of your comfort zone! I bet you will achieve so much more than you thought! Maybe start small and in January wear an outfit that you would never normally choose to wear? I did that exact thing by wearing a shirt dress for the first time ever and it actually was such a great choice - the risk doesn't have to be massive!
4. Have fun!!
Probably the most important way to better yourself in 2020 is to have more fun and become more social! Life is too short to not enjoy every single minute! We all need to work hard and we all have responsibilities but maybe let's try switching up our routine's in our down time and make things more exciting! Head out to the cinema or pop on a velvet dress and go for a meal! Whatever you choose to do make it fun, exciting and regular!
I hope these top tips for getting the most out of 2020 have proved useful! Let me know how you get on! Check out my outfit's below!
Velvet Dress -
With Love,
Leanne xx